"Olympus was outrageous ... as expected. I was only the 7th party to sign in this year. 18 miles to the bottom scares 1/2 the people off, then the glacier ascent scares off the other 1/2. Almost scared me off too ... I found an 8' log and carried it under my two arms to cross the glacier. Caught up to two guys with full gear at the final icefall, but then they got scared and turned around. I kept going, but it was sketchy ... one crux move over a crevasse onto a 45d slope of slush was not fun. If something breaks loose, there's nobody up there, no one will even know, let alone bother to try a rescue."
2:19 AM Hoh Visitor Center
7:50 AM Glacier Meadows tent site
8:50 AM Blue Glacier
12:10 PM Summit (West PK - highest)
1:20 PM Off Glacier
6:36 PM Visitor Center
5:30 to Glacier Meadows, 9:50 to Summit, 16:17 R/T.
Visitor Center is 573'. Summit is 7969'. Trail to Moraine is 18.4 one way.
Trail is mostly flat for first 12.5 mi, so ran that going up, then
mostly hiked. Ran almost everything coming back, except the 5.4 80'
summit block, the steep snow sections, the crevasse crossing near the
top, when I carried the 8' long branch under my arms across the
glacier, and going over the loose moraine itself.